Monday 27 July 2009


caveat \KAY-vee-at; KAV-ee-; KAH-vee-aht\ , noun:
(Law) A notice given by an interested party to some officer not to do a certain act until the opposition has a hearing.
A warning or caution; also, a cautionary qualification or explanation to prevent misunderstanding.

Thursday 3 May 2007


supplant \suh-PLANT\, transitive verb:

1. To take the place of (another), especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics; as, a rival supplants another.
2. To take the place of and serve as a substitute for.

Wednesday 25 April 2007


gregarious \grih-GAIR-ee-us\, adjective:

1. Tending to form a group with others of the same kind.
2. Seeking and enjoying the company of others.

Friday 20 April 2007

Tuesday 17 April 2007


cavort \kuh-VORT\, intransitive verb:

1. To bound or prance about.
2. To have lively or boisterous fun; to behave in a high-spirited, festive manner.

Monday 2 April 2007


arriviste \a-ree-VEEST\, noun:

1.A person who has recently attained success, wealth, or high status but not general acceptance or respect; an upstart.

Friday 30 March 2007