Monday, 29 January 2007


Someone who roams about in search of amusement or social activity.

Saturday, 27 January 2007

Monday, 22 January 2007


1. The act of blaming or finding fault with and condemning as wrong; reprehension; blame.
2. An official reprimand or expression of disapproval.

transitive verb:
1. To find fault with and condemn as wrong; to blame; to criticize severely.
2. To express official disapproval of.

Monday, 15 January 2007


eddy \ED-ee\, noun:
1. A current of air or water running in a direction contrary to the main current, or moving in a circular direction; a whirlpool.
2. A tendency or current (as of opinion or history) contrary to or separate from a main current.

intransitive verb:
1. To move in an eddy or as if in an eddy; to move in a circle.

transitive verb:
1. To cause to move in an eddy or as if in an eddy.

Saturday, 13 January 2007

Monday, 8 January 2007


sunder \SUN-dur\, transitive verb:
1. To break apart; to separate; to divide; to sever.

intransitive verb:
1. To become parted, disunited, or severed.

Monday, 1 January 2007


nascent \NAS-uhnt; NAY-suhnt\, adjective:
Beginning to exist or having recently come into existence; coming into being.